Wednesday 21 July 2010

Craig Sharp, Ice, Sea, Dead Peoples's Guitarist on Setup :

Fender Mustang re-issue; Very treble-y, I always knock the pickup selectors (which can mute the guitar entirely - not ideal) and bits of it are prone to falling off... but I love it!
Laney Pro-Tube 100 Watt head; 80s English valve head that I bought off eBay for £200, apparently it's a copy of a Marshall JCM 800 and I've also heard it be called "a poor man's Orange" head. I think it sounds great though so whatever, it was £200!
HH V.S. Musician 100 Watt transistor head; 70s transistor head built in Cambridge with military spec electronics - same contractors as the British Army... insane, right? It's super light and easy to carry on trains and on the tube, I got it for £100 on eBay. Tim from Part Chimp uses one so you know they're loud. Also geeky soundguys give you knowing winks and nods as they see you stride in with one under your arm.
Marshall 2x12 cab; As light as my Laney valve head but with two massive handles. This is a practical purchase more than anything but it definitely packs a punch. I borrowed Falco from Future of the Left's Marshall 4x12 cab recently and didn't really notice that much difference. I broke my own rules and bought this brand new -- generally buying stuff secondhand is a great rule to stick by because you can roughly sell it for the same price you bought it for if you're good at keeping your gear in check -- but this was only £160 and I couldn't find many on eBay that would deliver.

Quick rundown on guitar pedals:
Boss TU-2 Tuner > Zvex Distortron (Insanely loud) > MXR Smart Gate (To help cut any unwanted feedback from the Distortron ruining our stop-start-stop bits) >
Boss DM-2 Analogue Delay (Discontinued from the 70s. I feel like a bit of a pussy for using delay in a band like this but whatever, I'm using it in a few new songs and it's quite handy to get some sounds echo-ing in between songs so there's no dead air and I can drink/breathe a bit before the next song kicks off.)

Jamie's set up is a bit of a mess and it sounds different everytime we practice and play... Bass distortion is fucking impossible. Although Annie from The Hysterical Injury seems to have it sorted!

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